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Superintendent Velma Soliz-Garcia and FBHS Assistant Principal, Darryl Smith, recently spent a week at the Recruiting Station San Antonio’s Annual Educator’s Workshop in San Diego, California. The Educator’s Workshop provides an opportunity for educators to experience how the Marine Corps transforms young men and women into Marines. They were hand-picked to attend this year out of more than 80 submissions.

At the week-long Educator’s Workshop, attendees experience what young recruits go through during basic training as a way to provide insight into the Marine Corps and the opportunities available for students interested in a military career path. From the time the attendees hit the infamous “yellow footprints”, Drill Instructors have them learn how to drill, sound-off, and move with a sense of urgency. Overall, they learn the moral, mental and physical strength it takes to become a Marine.

“This has been a humbling experience,” said Superintendent Velma Soliz-Garcia. One that both Mr. Smith and I can honestly say is worth all of the time, sweat, and tears. We are excited to share the knowledge and experience from this week with our students, faculty, and staff.”

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