Early Release
2505 Waldron Road
Corpus Christi
United States
Need to get in touch with a specific department? Our department directories provide quick access to essential contacts, including department titles, key personnel, emails, and phone numbers. Browse the listings to find the right team for assistance.
Search the directory by any keyword to which personnel you wish to find. All fields will be filtered to your desired search. Search box is located at the top right of each Directory table.
Name | Title | Department | Phone | |
Chris Steinbruck | Superintendent of Schools | Administration | 694-9205 | csteinbruck@flourbluffschools.net |
Linda Medley | Deputy Superintendent | Administraton | 694-9272 | lmedley@flourbluffschools.net |
Cesarea Germain | Administrative Assistant to Superintendent | Administration | 694-9205 | cgermain@flourbluffschools.net |
Tomas Molina | Chief Financial, Business, & Operations Officer | Administration | 694-9212 | tmolina@flourbluffschools.net |
Dr. Linda Barganski | Associate Superintendent for Federal and State Programs | Administration | 694-9230 | lbarganski@flourbluffschools.net |
James Crenshaw | Associate Superintendent of Student Services | Administration | 694-9203 | jcrenshaw@flourbluffschools.net |
Nicole White | Associate Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction | Administration | 694-9218 | nwhite@flourbluffschools.net |
Kristen Bily | Executive Director of Communications & Community Relations | Public Information Office | 694-9713 | kbily@flourbluffschools.net |
Victoria Phillips | Director of Finance | Administration | 694-9210 | vphillips@flourbluffschools.net |
Mario Salinas | Director of Technology Operations | Technology / Public Info Office | 694-9743 | msalinas@flourbluffschools.net |
Cassie Freeman | Director of Human Resources | Administration | 694-9216 | cfreeman@flourbluffschools.net |
NaTaja Jones | Assistant Director of Human Resources | Administration | 694-9202 | njones@flourbluffschools.net |
Cindy Melendez | Administrative Assistant to Human Resources | Administration | 694-9202 | cmelendez@flourbluffschools.net |
Staci Cade | Director of CTE, Assessment and Accountability | Administration | 694-9250 | scade@flourbluffschools.net |
Casey Jenkins | District PEIMS Coordinator/District Records Coordinator | Administration | 694-9225 | cjenkins@flourbluffschools.net |
Erica Rivas | Administrative Assistant | Administration | 694-9220 | erivas@flourbluffschools.net |
Jennifer Rendon | Administrative Assistant | Administration | 694-9223 | jrendon@flourbluffschools.net |
Hollie Crenshaw | Human Resources Specialist | Administration | 694-9204 | hcrenshaw@flourbluffschools.net |
Arti Bhakta | Purchasing Agent | Administration | 694-9215 | abhakta@flourbluffschools.net |
Erika Zuniga | Administrative Assistant/ Accounting Clerk | Administration | 694-9229 | ezuniga@flourbluffschools.net |
Kim Schumacher | Accounts Payable | Administration | 694-9967 | kschumacher@flourbluffschools.net |
Silvia Hinojosa | Payroll | Administration | 694-9221 | shinojosa@flourbluffschools.net |
Terri Tolan | Accounting Clerk | Administration | 694-9209 | ttolan@flourbluffschools.net |
Anna Garcia | Payroll Clerk | Administration | 694-9222 | agarcia@flourbluffschools.net |
Search the directory by any keyword to which personnel you wish to find. All fields will be filtered to your desired search. Search box is located at the top right of each Directory table.
Name | Position | Department | Phone | |
Melody Vega | Operations Administrative Assistant | Maintenance | 694-9703 | mvega@flourbluffschools.net |
Janie Garanzuay | Transporation Secretary | Maintenance | 694-9702 | jgaranzuay@flourbluffschools.net |
Imelda Sheehan | Custodian Supervisor | Maintenance | 694-9721 | isheehan@flourbluffschools.net |
Name | Position | Department | Phone |
Search the directory by any keyword to which personnel you wish to find. All fields will be filtered to your desired search. Search box is located at the top right of each Directory table.
Name | Position | Department | Phone | |
Christine Foutch | Operations Administrative Assistant | Transportation | 694-9703 | cfoutch@flourbluffschools.net |
Janie Garanzuay | Transportation Secretary | Transportation | 694-9702 | jgaranzuay@flourbluffschools.net |
Nicole Balboa | Transportation Clerk | Transportation | 694-9704 | nbalboa@flourbluffschools.net |
Amanda Lopez | Transportation Supervisor | Transportation | 694-9708 | alopez@flourbluffschools.net |
Name | Position | Department | Phone |
Search the directory by any keyword to which personnel you wish to find. All fields will be filtered to your desired search. Search box is located at the top right of each Directory table.
Name | Position | Deparment | Phone | |
Dr. Melonie Shandy | Director of Special Education | Special Education | 694-9245 | mshandy@flourbluffschools.net |
Heather Bervinkle | Assistant Director of Special Education | Special Education | 694-9233 | hbervinkle@flourbluffschools.net |
Kelly Smith | Secretary | Special Education | 694-9247 | ksmith@flourbluffschools.net |
Cortney Villanueva | SHARS Clerk | Special Education | 694-9232 | cvillanueva@flourbluffschools.net |
Marie Castillo | PEIMS/Records Clerk | Special Education | 694-9244 | mcastillo@flourbluffschools.net |
Breanna Barnett | ARD Clerk | Special Education | 694-9253 | bbarnett@flourbluffschools.net |
Cara Mlsna | ARD Clerk | Special Education | 694-9248 | cmlsna@flourbluffschools.net |
Courtney Voigt | Intermediate ARD Clerk | Special Education | 694-9248 | cvoight@flourbluffschools.net |
Jaime Woodard | Dyslexia Specialist | Special Education | 694-9012 | jwoodard@flourbluffschools.net |
Pam Webster | ARD Facilitator 1-4 | Special Education | 694-9263 | pwebster@flourbluffschools.net |
Rhonda Beadle | ARD Facilitator 5-8th | Special Education | 694-9234 | rbeadle@flourbluffschools.net |
Anna London | ARD Facilitator 9-12th | Special Education | 694-9238 | alondon@flourbluffschools.net |
Rose Ford | Counselor ECC-5th | Special Education | 694-9011 | rford@flourbluffschools.net |
Kristin Sanderford | Counselor 6th-H.S. | Special Education | 694-9066 | ksanderford@flourbluffschools.net |
Melanie Savins | Lead Diagnostician 11-12th | Special Education | 694-9925 | msavins@flourbluffschools.net |
Michelle Leal | Diagnostician 9th-10th | Special Education | 694-9256 | mleal@flourbluffschools.net |
Dora Sturgeon | Diagnostician 7th-8th | Special Education | 694-9246 | dsturgeon@flourbluffschools.net |
Noemi Garcia | Diagnostician 5th-6th | Special Education | 694-9240 | ngarcia@flourbluffschools.net |
Roxanne McMahon | Lead Diagnostician Elementary | Special Education | 694-9236 | rmcmahon@flourbluffschools.net |
Stacey Sellers | Diagnostician 1st-2nd | Special Education | 694-9239 | ssellers@flourbluffschools.net |
Stacy Hartsell | Diagnostician PPCD | Special Education | 694-9243 | shartsell@flourbluffschools.net |
Elijah Bost | Speech 7th-12th | High School | 694-9098 | ebost@flourbluffschools.net |
Sarita Vazquez | Lead Speech 5th-6th Bilingual | Intermediate | 694-9444 | svazquez@flourbluffschools.net |
Denise Garza | Speech 3rd-4th | Elementary | 694-9565 | dgarza@flourbluffschools.net |
Vanessa Hernandez | Speech 1st-2nd | PRIMARY | 694-9650 | vhernandez@flourbluffschools.net |
Rebecca Kireta | Speech PK & K | ECC | 694-9883 | rkireta@flourbluffschools.net |
Julia Vigesaa | Speech Assistant 5th-6th | Intermediate | 694-9444 | jvigesaa@flourbluffschools.net |
Belinda Perez | Speech Assistant 3rd-4th | Elementary | 694-9565 | belindaperez@flourbluffschools.net |
Paola Hill | Speech Assistant 1st-2nd | Primary | 694-9692 | phill@flourbluffschools.net |
Sara Moreno | Speech Assistant PK & K | ECC | 694-9878 | saramoreno@flourbluffschools.net |
Meghan Nichols | Adapted PE | SPED Portable | 694-9241 | mnichols@flourbluffschools.net |
Kristine Holloway | Vision Teacher | SPED Portable | 694-9259 | kholloway@flourbluffschools.net |
Lisa San Miguel | Homebound Teacher | SPED Portable | 694-9257 | lsanmiguel@flourbluffschools.net |
Cecilia Fawcett | Case Manager Primary | Special Education | 694-9264 | cfawcett@flourbluffschools.net |
Deborah Selman | Case Manager Elementary | Special Education | 694-9231 | dselman@flourbluffschools.net |
Name | Position | Deparment | Phone |
Search the directory by any keyword to which personnel you wish to find. All fields will be filtered to your desired search. Search box is located at the top right of each Directory table.
Name | Position | Campus | Phone | ||
Taylor Akenhead | HS Volleyball / Softball Assistant | High School | 361-694-9276 | tackenhead@flourbluffschools.net | |
Jaime Alvarado | HS Football (Var) / HS Baseball | High School | 361-694-9276 | jalvarado@flourbluffschools.net | |
Aspen Auger | Softball Head Coach | Intermediate | 361-694-9276 | aauger@flourbluffschools.net | |
Brian Baker | Football Offensive Coordinator | High School | 361-694-9276 | bbaker@flourbluffschools.net | |
Heidi (Yajaria) Baker | JH Athletic Coordinator (Girls) | Junior High | 361-694-9276 | ybaker@flourbluffschools.net | |
Stephen Bateson | JH Football, Basketball & Track | High School | 361-694-9276 | sbateson@flourbluffschools.net | |
Jacqueline Bonds | HS Tennis Assistant (Fr_Jv_Var) | High School | 361-694-9276 | jbonds@flourbluffschools.net | |
Steve Bonds | Tennis, Head Coach | Junior High/High School | 361-694-9276 | sbonds@flourbluffschools.net | |
Brandon Bourg | Basketball (Boys) Head Coach / JH Football | High School | 361-694-9276 | bbourg@flourbluffschools.net | |
Jesse Buttler | Football (Fr) / Baseball (Var) | High School | 361-694-9276 | jbuttler@flourbluffschools.net | |
Joshua Cady | HS Football / HS Track | High School | 361-694-9276 | jcady@flourbluffschools.net | |
Richard Cervantes | JH Football / HS Basketball (Boys) | Junior High | 361-694-9276 | rcervantes@flourbluffschools.net | |
Elliott Chapa | Football (Var) / HS Track | High School | 361-694-9276 | echapa@flourbluffschools.net | |
Bobby Chapman | Soccer (Boys) Head Coach | High School | 361-694-9276 | gchapman@flourbluffschools.net | |
Kyle Cruz | JH Tennis | Junior High | 361-694-9276 | kcruz@flourbluffschools.net | |
Declan Deyoung | Football (Var) / HS Track | High School | 361-694-9276 | ddeyoung@flourbluffschools.net | |
John Diaz | Defensive Coordinator / Baseball | High School | 361-694-9276 | jdiaz@flourbluffschools.net | |
Julie Dugan | Track(Girls) Head Coach / JH Cross Country | High School | 361-694-9276 | jdugan@flourbluffschools.net | |
Scott Ehlen | JH Football, Basketball, Track, Cross Country | Junior High | 361-694-9276 | sehlen@flourbluffschools.net | |
Clynt Elwood | Athletic Director / Head Football Coach | High School | 361-694-9276 | celwood@flourbluffschools.net | |
Kelly Golightly | HS Assistant Swim Coach | High School | 361-694-9276 | kgolightly@flourbluffschools.net | |
Amanda Gonzalez | Basketball (Girls) Assistant Varsity Coach | High School | 361-694-9276 | agonzalez@flourbluffschools.net | |
Juan R Gonzalez | JH Football / Basketball / Track | Junior High | 361-694-9276 | juangonzalez@flourbluffschools.net | |
Marco Gonzalez | JH Football / Basketball / Track | Junior High | 361-694-9276 | mgonzalez@flourbluffschools.net | |
Chris Guidry | Football / Head Coach Track (Boys) | SDGC | 361-694-9276 | cguidry@flourbluffschools.net | |
Ali Hutchinson | JH Swim-Dive Head Coach | High School | 361-694-9276 | ahutchinson@flourbluffschools.net | |
Bryan Hutchinson | HS Swim-Dive Head Coach | High School | 361-694-9276 | bhutchinson@flourbluffschools.net | |
Craig Johnson | Soccer(boys) Assistant | Junior High | 361-694-9276 | cjohnson@flourbluffschools.net | |
William Johnson | Basketball (Boys) HS | High School | 361-694-9276 | wjohnson@flourbluffschools.net | |
Kaitlyn Kasperitis | Soccer(girls) Assistant | Intermediate | 361-694-9276 | kkasperitis@flourbuffschools.net | |
Tanner Killingsworth | JH Tennis | Junior High | 361-694-9276 | tkillingsworth@flourbluffschools.net | |
James McMinn | Basketball (Girls) Head Coach | High School | 361-694-9276 | jmcminn@flourbluffschools.net | |
Dan Murphy | Dive Coach | High School | 361-694-9276 | dmurphy@flourbluffschools.net | |
Troy Owens | Jv Softball Assistant | High School | 361-694-9276 | towens@flourbluffschools.net | |
Christin Perez | Track (Girls) | High School | 361-694-9276 | christinperez@flourbluffschools.net | |
Marvin Pesek | Cross Country Head Coach (Boys & Girls) | High School | 361-694-9276 | mpesek@flourbluffschools.net | |
Samuel Quintana | Football (Var) / HS Baseball | High School | 361-694-9276 | squintana@flourbluffschools.net | |
Cesar Quiroz | JH Football / JH Track | Junior High | 361-694-9276 | cquiroz@flourbluffschools.net | |
Samuel Ramos | Football / Baseball | High School | 361-694-9276 | sramos@flourbluffschools.net | |
Christopher Rodgers | Golf Head Coach (Boys & Girls) | High School | 361-694-9276 | crodgers@flourbluffschools.net | |
Ron Rodgers | Football (Var) | High School | 361-694-9276 | rrodgers@flourbluffschools.net | |
Kristin Rodriguez | Volleyball & Bsk(Girls) Assistant Coach | High School | 361-694-9276 | krodriguez@flourbluffschools.net | |
Victoria Salinas | JH Girls Volleyball / Basketball / Track | Intermediate | 361-694-9276 | vsalinas@flourbluffschools.net | |
Joshua Savins | Soccer(boys) Assistant | High School | 361-694-9276 | jsavins@flourbluffschools.net | |
Lawanda Smith-Stonum | JH Girls Volleyball / Basketball / Track | Junior High | 361-694-9276 | lstonum@flourbluffschools.net | |
Stephanie Solis | JH Girls Volleyball / Basketball / Track | Junior High/Intermediate | 361-694-9276 | ssolis@flourbluffschools.net | |
Chelsea Spoor | Soccer (Girls) Head Coach | High School | 361-694-9276 | cspoor@flourbluffschools.net | |
Erin Steward | JH Swim Assistant | Elementary | 361-694-9276 | esteward@flourbluffschools.net | |
Richard Vargas | Football (Var) / Soccer (Girls) Assistant | High School | 361-694-9276 | rvargas@flourbluffschools.net | |
Hayden Vesely | Football / Baseball | High School | 361-694-9276 | hvesely@flourbluffschools.net | |
Albert Walker | Intramural Coordinator & HS Track (girls) | Intermediate | 361-694-9276 | awalker@flourbluffschools.net | |
Kara Wallace | Volleyball Head Coach | High School | 361-694-9276 | kwallace@flourbluffschools.net | |
Alex Weepie | JH Athletic Coordinator (Boys) | Junior High | 361-694-9276 | aweepie@flourbluffschools.net | |
Flo Williams-Bacy | HS Volleyball (Freshman) / Basketball (Girls) | High School | 361-694-9276 | fwilliamsbacy@flourbluffschools.net | |
Rebecca Yniguez | Golf (boys_girls) Assistant | Primary | 361-694-9276 | ryniguez@flourbluffschools.net | |
Rebecca Berthold | Trainer | Junior High | (361) 694-9356 | rberthold@flourbluffschools.net | |
Liz Morales | Trainer | High School | (361) 694-9020 | emorales@flourbluffschools.net | |
Dylan Mowdy | Head Trainer | High School | (361) 694-9295 | dmowdy@flourbluffschools.net | |
Name | Position | Campus | Phone |
Name | Position | Campus / Department | Phone | |
Gina Valdez | Director of Student Nutrition | Nutrition | 694-9050 | gvaldez@flourbluffschools.net |
Erick Martinez | School Nutrition Coordinator | Nutrition | 694-9251 | emartinez@flourbluffschools.net |
Angela Jones | Production Supervisor | Nutrition | 694-9048 | ajones@flourbluffschools.net |
Hornet Hive | Catering | Nutrition | 694-9265 | hornethivecatering@flourbluffschools.net |
Candy Rangel | Head Cashier | Nutrition | 694-9022 | crangel@flourbluffschools.net |
Frances Rotramble | Secretary | Nutrition | 694-9034 | frotramble@flourbluffschools.net |
Name | Position | Campus / Department | Phone |
Search the directory by any keyword to which personnel you wish to find. All fields will be filtered to your desired search. Search box is located at the top right of each Directory table.
Name | Position | Department | Phone | |
Mario Salinas | Director of Technology Operations | Technology | 694-9743 | msalinas@flourbluffschools.net |
Anna Barrera | Technology Administrative Assistant & Help Desk | Technology | 694-9208 | abarrera@flourbluffschools.net |
Joseph Gonzales | District Technologist | Technology | 694-9152 | jgonzales@flourbluffschools.net |
Lee Rea | Communications Specialist | Technology | 694-9134 | grea@flourbluffschools.net |
Dylan Dougherty | District Technologist | Technology | 694- | ddougherty@flourbluffschools.net |
Kyle Jones | Primary/Elementary Tech | Technology | 694-9668 | kjones@flourbluffschools.net |
Eduardo Marin | High School Tech | Technology | 694-9749 | emarin@flourbluffschools.net |
Terry Norris | Application Specialist / ECC Tech | Technology | 694-9270 | tnorris@flourbluffschools.net |
Name | Position | Department | Phone |
Search the directory by any keyword to which personnel you wish to find. All fields will be filtered to your desired search. Search box is located at the top right of each Directory table.
Name | Position | Department | Phone | |
Hector Zapata | Graphic Designer / Web Specialist | Public Information Office | 694-9717 | hzapata@flourbluffschools.net |
Ashley Durheim | Communications & Engagement Specialist | Public Information Office / Spirit Shop | 694-9282/9712 | adurheim@flourbluffschools.net |
Lazaro (Tike) Lujan | Printshop Specialist | Public Information Office / Printshop | 694-9714 | printshop@flourbluffschools.net |
Name | Position | Department | Phone |