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District launches Hornet’s Nest Podcast; Latest episode focuses on social and emotional wellness

By April 29, 2020No Comments

The District has launched a new initiative to peel back the curtain and provide another communication vehicle to keep parents and the community up-to-date on the latest news from around the District. The Hornet’s Nest podcast launched in late March at a perfect time to reach our audiences. 

“Each episode of the Hornet’s Nest podcast will feature a timely topic and a guest to provide additional information,” said Kim Sneed, Public Information officer. “The goal is to dive deeper into conversations and provide in-depth information. We feel that this podcast will achieve that goal.”

The first episode of the podcast featured FBISD Superintendent, Dr. David Freeman, and was an opportunity for him to give our community information about the school closure, what information he had at that time and address many questions like graduation, continued closures and expectations for the new school year. 

The latest episode of the Hornet’s Nest addresses social and emotional wellness during the global pandemic. Guests on the episode included Julie Burnett, Licensed Professional Counselor at Flour Bluff High School, and Candace Wofford, teacher at FBHS who will be teaching a new Social Emotional Learning class to freshman next school year. Each provided tips and tricks and resources to help students, parents and even teachers adapt to school closure, learning from home and stay-at-home requirements. To check out the latest episode of the Hornet’s Nest, click here. Be sure to click on the show note links, there are a host of resources to help navigate these uncertain times.

If you have a topic that you would like to hear on the Hornet’s Nest, drop us a line at You can find the Hornet’s Nest on your favorite podcast platform including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and many more.

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