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FBISD Board of Trustees approve the 2021-2022 Official School Calendar

By April 23, 2021No Comments

During a Special Called Board Meeting of the Flour Bluff ISD Board of Trustees on April 21st, the Board approved the 2021-2022 Official School Calendar. Now that Flour Bluff ISD is a District of Innovation, the District has more flexibility with the start date of the new school year.  The start date for the 2021-2022 school year is August 10th, includes a full week for Thanksgiving, two weeks for Christmas break and a week for Spring Break. Staff development days and teacher planning and preparation days have been scattered throughout the school year which provides for more days off for students during the school year. The last day of school for students is Wednesday, May 25, 2022.

A calendar committee, made up of staff, parents, and community members, was formed in February 2021 to consider state requirements, different calendar options, instructional needs for our campuses, and suggestions from surveys from the previous year. A total of five calendar committee meetings were held between February and March. Through this work, the committee narrowed the choices to two final calendar options. Prior to conducting the survey, a meeting was held with the DEIC (District Educational Improvement Committee) on April 13, 2021. At the meeting, the DEIC committee members were shown the two final calendar choices and they voted unanimously to take the calendar that received the most votes to the Board of Trustees for approval at the next school board meeting.

Two online surveys and paper ballots were used for the final survey. The first online tool was SurveyMonkey. It was created and posted on the district website for parents, students, teacher/staff and community members. The second online tool was Google. This survey was created for students to vote at the Junior High and High School campuses. We also used a paper ballot system for the Department of Maintenance & Operations. The voting window for all three surveys opened on April 13th and closed on April 16th. Below are the results of the three surveys:

Calendar Option 1 Survey Results
Parent, Community & Staff Responses – 438
Student Google Survey Responses – 471
Department of Operations Responses – 55

Calendar Option 2 Survey Results
Parent, Community & Staff Responses – 558
Student Google Survey Responses – 394
Department of Operations Responses – 47

Overall, the combined survey results determined that Calendar Option 2 was the preferred choice with 999 votes. Calendar Option 1 received 964 votes.

The results from the input surveys and input from the Calendar Committee were provided to the Superintendent who recommended to the Board of Trustees “Calendar 2” as the preferred calendar option.

The Board of Trustees voted 6-0 and approved “Calendar Option 2”. Click here to view the Flour Bluff ISD 2021-2022 Official School Calendar.

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