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FBISD Superintendent to host District Safety & Security Town Hall Meeting

By February 24, 2020No Comments

On February 26, Flour Bluff ISD Superintendent, Dr. David Freeman, will host a Town Hall Meeting to discuss District safety and security and get community feedback as the District considers creating its own police department. Dr. Freeman has been working over the past several months with the District’s Director of Security, District and campus administrators and the Board of Trustees assessing the District’s safety and security needs.

“The District currently has a contract with the Corpus Christi Police Department and off-duty CCPD officers are stationed at our campuses,” said David Freeman, Ed.D., FBISD Superintendent of Schools. “After evaluating long-term strategies for student and staff safety, we believe our students and staff would be better served with district employees who are police officers accountable to the District.

Dr. Feeman continued on to say that the Town Hall meeting will be vital in reaching a decision to move forward with a district police department. “I want to hear from our parents and community members, take into account their concerns as well as answer any questions they may have,” Dr. Freeman added.

If the community is in favor of a police department and once the FBISD Board of Trustees approves the creation of the department, it will take 3 – 4 months for the process to take affect. In addition, the District will work with the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) who will review district board policies, inspect facilities and meet other requirements.

If You Go…

Flour Bluff ISD Safety & Security Town Hall Meeting
Wednesday, February 26
6 p.m.
Flour Bluff High School Teaching Theatre

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