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Flour Bluff ISD launches new District website

By December 9, 2016February 15th, 2018No Comments

Flour Bluff ISD is excited to announce the launch of a new, revamped District website. The new site provides a cleaner look and feel with easier navigation as we work to improve communications with our parents, students and community.

Over the past six months, the District has been working on a new site that better fits the needs of our community. The more modern, user-friendly site has new enhancements such as featured news stories, standardized look across all pages, better flow of information across the site and works with sharing information on the District’s social media sites. In addition, the new site provides off-site update capability which is essential for providing effective communication during weather and emergency notifications. Additional notable features include:

  • Large, rotating message marquee on homepage updated regularly with timely information.
  • Access to Family Access/Skyward and District’s Official School Calendar on the top left side of the home page.
  • Featured news stories on the homepage with links to additional archived District news.
  • District’s latest news stories are integrated with e-newsletter emailed out to subscribers.
  • District department pages offer in-depth, easy to find information on the responsibilities of the department and how to contact employees.
  • Enhanced “Resources” navigation provides quick links to information important for Students, for Parents and the Community.
  • Website automatically formats and is responsive to any type device viewed on whether it is a desktop computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.
  • New site utilizes most up-to-date web standards.
  • Site has capability to grow and evolve with changing communication needs of the District.


Following the launch of the redesigned District website, revamped campus webpages will begin to take shape. Campus websites are currently in the redesign phase. Newly, redesigned campus sites will begin to go live in late January and February. One new feature of the campus websites is each campus will have its own unique URL. This will allow parents to quickly access their child’s campus site with just a few strokes of the keyboard. 

This new, redesign of the District website is the first since it was updated in 2009. 

Although the new site offers many great, new features, we strive to continually improve our online presence. We welcome any feedback on the new website, simply email


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