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Flour Bluff ISD students bring home top awards at Coastal Bend Regional Science Fair

By February 17, 2020September 30th, 2022No Comments

Three Flour Bluff ISD students brought home top awards during the Valero Energy Foundation and Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi Coastal Bend Regional Science Fair. The annual event is open to students of public, private, charter and home schools in grades K-12 in the Coastal Bend. Students who take part in the Regional Science Fair have been selected for advancement from their schools.

At the Early Childhood Center,  Nivan Karthick and Nate Gonzalez earned the two top spots for the Kindergarten Physical Sciences division. Nivan’s project, “Will She Dance? Exploring Magnets”, studied magnets and what happens when two magnets come close together. Nate’s project, “Best Natural Seed Container”, evaluated which natural seed container works best when growing seeds. The different types of containers were egg shell, avocado, orange and peet moss. Nate planted plants in each container, cared for the plants and watched them grow as part of the project.

Flour Bluff Intermediate student, Jack Tunnell, placed first in the Energy: Chemical division. His project, “Firestarter”, tested which material works best for tinder to start a fire. His project hypothesis was that sawdust and paraffin wax burn longer with a higher average temperature.

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