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Message from Superintendent Dr. David Freeman

By July 18, 2020No Comments

Dear Flour Bluff ISD Parents/Guardians and Community,

Although the official start of school is not until August 13th, I know that learning more about how school will operate for the 2020-2021 school year is at the forefront of your thoughts. Like many of you, I have been monitoring the recent shifts in the pandemic and understand your concerns on how we are going to reopen for fall. Our administrative team has been working diligently on developing a plan that provides a quality education while also ensuring the health and safety of our staff, students, and community. Over the past week, district administrators have been receiving updated and clarifying information from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) on requirements and recommendations to reopen for the fall. This information is helping our district and campus administrators make decisions that are best for our students.

On July 16, 2020, Nueces County put in-place a public health order that no face-to-face instruction can take place before September 7th. This order is providing all school districts in the county additional time to put health and safety protocols in place to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. We know that on-campus, face-to-face instruction is the best instructional model for children. We all miss our students and look forward to resuming the Flour Bluff traditions we are known for. For right now, remote instruction is the best option to educate our students as safely as possible.

As we move forward in preparing a reopening school plan, please know that our community’s health is our top priority, and we will follow all precautionary measures to provide a safe and healthy environment for everyone set out by local, state, and national authorities.

At this time, I would like to share some of our plans. Please understand these plans may change as we get closer to the start of school.

Below are some key points for parents and the community to know as of July 17, 2020:

  • Families will have the option of selecting one of two learning models for instruction: face-to-face or at-home.
    • Face-to-Face Instruction: The option of face-to-face instruction will be held five days a week, Monday through Friday. Face-to-face safety protocols will be in place to protect our students and staff.
    • At-Home Learning: This option is virtual. It will require students to have a consistent online presence with daily log-in requirements.
  • To assist with planning, Flour Bluff ISD has added to the online registration questions for families to gauge preference of learning instruction for their child(ren) during the 2020-2021 school learning year. As we near the beginning of school and face-to-face instruction, we will ask for additional feedback from parents on their child(ren) learning model preference. If you have not registered your child(ren), please do so as soon as possible. This information helps us plan for the new school year.
  • Flour Bluff ISD has a Task Force that is developing a comprehensive plan for re-opening school, which will take into consideration the TEA guidelines. This plan will provide more detailed information as parents make a commitment for their child(ren) to attend either in person or virtual instruction. The district will send a Commitment Form via email in the coming weeks. Please visit the FBISD website for the Re-Opening School Plan next week.
  • Flour Bluff ISD is committed and focused on keeping our students and staff safe and healthy. We will follow the State’s guidance on facial coverings, social distancing, and health precautions. All staff members will receive COVID-19 prevention training prior to the opening of school.

Please know how much we appreciate your patience and flexibility as things are changing every day. We will continue to share new information and updates with you. We look forward to making the 2020-2021 school year a continuation of the premier district you have come to expect. We cannot wait to serve our students again.


Dr. David Freeman
Flour Bluff ISD Superintendent of Schools

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