Early Release
2505 Waldron Road
Corpus Christi
United States
No violation of this policy occurs when:
Policy FFI(LOCAL) adopted on 7/27/2023
Note: This policy addresses bullying of District students. For purposes of this policy, the term bullying includes cyberbullying.
For provisions regarding discrimination and harassment involving District students, see FFH. Note that FFI shall be used in conjunction with FFH for certain prohibited conduct. For reporting requirements related to child abuse and neglect, see FFG.
Bullying Prohibited
The District prohibits bullying, including cyberbullying, as defined by state law. Retaliation against anyone involved in the complaint process is a violation of District policy and is prohibited.
Bullying of a student could occur by physical contact or through electronic means and may include hazing, threats, taunting, teasing, confinement, assault, demands for money, destruction of property, theft of valued possessions, name calling, rumor spreading, or ostracism.
Minimum Standards
In accordance with law, the Superintendent shall develop administrative procedures to ensure that minimum standards for bullying prevention are implemented. Flour Bluff Independent School District Student Handbook
The District prohibits retaliation by a student or District employee against any person who in good faith makes a report of bullying, serves as a witness, or participates in an investigation.
Examples of retaliation may include threats, rumor spreading, ostracism, assault, destruction of property, unjustified punishments, or unwarranted grade reductions. Unlawful retaliation does not include petty slights or annoyances.
False Claim
A student who intentionally makes a false claim, offers false statements, or refuses to cooperate with a District investigation regarding bullying shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
Timely Reporting
Reports of bullying shall be made as soon as possible after the alleged act or knowledge of the alleged act. A failure to immediately report may impair the District’s ability to investigate and address the prohibited conduct.
Reporting Procedures Student Report
To obtain assistance and intervention, any student who believes that he or she has experienced bullying or believes that another student has experienced bullying should immediately report the alleged acts to a teacher, school counselor, principal, or other District employee. The Superintendent shall develop procedures allowing a student to anonymously report an alleged incident of bullying.
Employee Report
Any District employee who suspects or receives notice that a student or group of students has or may have experienced bullying shall immediately notify the principal or designee.
Report Format
A report may be made orally or in writing. The principal or designee shall reduce any oral reports to written form.
Periodic Monitoring
The Superintendent shall periodically monitor the reported counts of bullying incidents, and that declines in the count may represent not only improvements in the campus culture because bullying declines but also declines in the campus culture because of a decline in openness to report incidents.
Notice of Report
When an allegation of bullying is reported, the principal or designee shall notify a parent of the alleged victim on or before the third business day after the incident is reported. The principal or designee shall also notify a parent of the student alleged to have engaged in the conduct within a reasonable amount of time after the incident is reported.
Prohibited Conduct
The principal or designee shall determine whether the allegations in the report, if proven, would constitute prohibited conduct as defined by policy FFH, including dating violence and harassment or discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, gender, national origin, or disability. If so, the District shall proceed under policy FFH. If the allegations could constitute both prohibited conduct and bullying, the investigation under FFH shall include a determination on each type of conduct.
Investigation of Report
The principal or designee shall conduct an appropriate investigation based on the allegations in the report. The principal or designee shall promptly take interim action calculated to prevent bullying during the course of an investigation, if appropriate.
Concluding the Investigation
Absent extenuating circumstances, the investigation should be completed within ten District business days from the date of the initial report alleging bullying; however, the principal or designee shall take additional time if necessary to complete a thorough investigation. The principal or designee shall prepare a final, written report of the investigation. The report shall include a determination of whether bullying occurred, and if so, whether the victim used reasonable self-defense. A copy of the report shall be sent to the Superintendent or designee.
Notice to Parents
If an incident of bullying is confirmed, the principal or designee shall promptly notify the parents of the victim and of the student who engaged in bullying.
District Action Bullying
If the results of an investigation indicate that bullying occurred, the District shall promptly respond by taking appropriate disciplinary action in accordance with the District’s Student Code of Conduct and may take corrective action reasonably calculated to address the conduct. The District may notify law enforcement in certain circumstances. Flour Bluff Independent School District Student Handbook
A student who is a victim of bullying and who used reasonable self-defense in response to the bullying shall not be subject to disciplinary action. The discipline of a student with a disability is subject to applicable state and federal law in addition to the Student Code of Conduct.
Corrective Action
Examples of corrective action may include a training program for the individuals involved in the complaint, a comprehensive education program for the school community, follow-up inquiries to determine whether any new incidents or any instances of retaliation have occurred, involving parents and students in efforts to identify problems and improve the school climate, increasing staff monitoring of areas where bullying has occurred, and reaffirming the District’s policy against bullying.
The principal or designee shall refer to FDB for transfer provisions.
The principal or designee shall notify the victim, the student who engaged in bullying, and any students who witnessed the bullying of available counseling options.
Improper Conduct
If the investigation reveals improper conduct that did not rise to the level of prohibited conduct or bullying, the District may take action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct or any other appropriate corrective action.
To the greatest extent possible, the District shall respect the privacy of the complainant, persons against whom a report is filed, and witnesses. Limited disclosures may be necessary in order to conduct a thorough investigation.
A student who is dissatisfied with the outcome of the investigation may appeal through FNG(LOCAL), beginning at the appropriate level.
Records Retention
Retention of records shall be in accordance with CPC(LOCAL).
Access to Policy and Procedures
This policy and any accompanying procedures shall be distributed annually in the employee and student handbooks. Copies of the policy and procedures shall be posted on the District’s website, to the extent practicable, and shall be readily available at each campus and the District’s administrative offices.
The ALERRT Center at Texas State University has developed the AVOID, DENY, DEFEND protocol to assist individuals in protecting themselves should they be faced with an active shooter or threat event. Flour Bluff ISD PD believes strongly in this protocol and encourages all of our students, parents, employees, and visitors to the District to take some time and watch the video and visit the ALERRT Center at Texas State University – AVOID, DENY, DEFEND website to gain a better understanding of how to respond to an active shooter or threat event.
We HIGHLY encourage you to seek out a ALERRT Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) course in your community. If you can’t find a class, the ALERRT and the Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service (TEEX) have developed a Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) course that is available online to anyone who wants to learn more of how to respond as a civilian to an active shooter or threat event. Click here to be taken to the TEEX course website. There is no cost for this online training.
The following information is provided to help parents understand how the district determines whether to hold school on inclement weather days and the notification procedures which are in place. Each weather situation is unique and will have unique considerations.
The Superintendent, and staff members who are advising the Superintendent on the decision, must consider several factors:
Be assured that the decision to close or delay school is a very important one and is made only after thorough consideration. Our focus is to minimize the negative impact a school closure or delay can have on families and student learning.
If the decision is made to close schools, our families and staff are the first individuals we notify. We will then notify media outlets and post the information on the District’s social media outlets and District website.
Due to the “Staggered Schedules” for High School, Junior High, Intermediate, Elementary, Primary, and ECC, students start the morning and leave school in the afternoon at different times. Flour Bluff ISD AVOIDS delayed openings/early dismissals except in real emergencies.
When it comes to a delayed opening, it is very difficult to communicate the varied time schedules that come into play with the “staggered schedule” to the public and coordinate the different time schedules with staff members.
With regards to an unexpected early dismissal, it is very difficult to get bus drivers back to work on short notice. The District must also consider the after-school child care arrangements/adult supervision for younger students with working parents and/or guardians.
During the State of Texas 85th Legislative Session, Senate Bill 179, also known as David’s Law, was passed and signed into Texas State Law. David’s Law is named after 16-year old David Molak, a high school student in San Antonio, who died by suicide after being harassed online. The bill aims to bring awareness and new policies to schools to combat cyberbullying. Senate Bill 179 classifies cyberbullying as a Class A misdemeanor offense. By doing so, the courts may issue subpoenas and uncover people who are posting anonymously online. The law also requires intervention from public schools when any cyberbullying behavior is suspected. Parents of students who cyberbully others may also be held responsible if they could have intervened but didn’t. Click here for a printable PDF summary of David’s Law from the David’s Legacy Foundation.
Click on the link below to find helpful information to help you discuss this issue with your children: