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Students’ artwork provide inspirational and uplifting messages

By April 11, 2019September 30th, 2022No Comments

For many, the restroom can be a quiet place to go when the pressure of life seems to be too much. At least that is what Flour Bluff High School Administrators were seeing as a trend among female students.

“As I started my first school year off at Flour Bluff High School, I quickly noticed a growing trend of female students utilizing the girl’s restroom as a get away from hard times,” said Linda Medley, Flour Bluff High School Assistant Principal. “This prompted me to want to provide a safe and positive space where students could be reminded that they are worth so much more than they sometimes think.”

This realization started the ball rolling for a beautification project of the girl’s restrooms around the campus. Mrs. Medley shared her vision with Flour Bluff HS Art teacher, Sara Webb, who excitedly took the project under her wing.

“We gathered a group of female art students from different grade levels and backgrounds who also realized the need for spreading positivity and uplifting messages to their peers,” said Ms. Webb. “These students volunteered their time to paint positive messages on bathroom walls and stall doors. All the messages are uplifting like ‘Don’t be afraid to show your true colors’ and ‘When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine’.”

The bathroom beautification project is a work in progress. The process began nearly a year ago with work to get approvals on student artwork concepts, painting materials and facilities. The students have been working on the first restroom since Spring Break and it is close to completion. The plan is to continue the process until every girl’s restroom at Flour Bluff High School is showered with messages of encouragement. The end goal is to share positivity amongst the students and uplift the spirits of those who may be struggling.

“The transformation within our restroom and our students is overwhelming,” said Medley. “Seeing the hard work Ms. Webb and her students have poured into our student body is definitely one that will have a lasting effect.”

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