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FBISD recognizes employees with years of service milestones; names Paras of the Year, District Employees of the Year and Teachers of the Year during annual event

By June 7, 2018September 29th, 2022No Comments

During the District’s annual Employee Service Awards, Flour Bluff ISD celebrated achievements of nearly 150 employees. During the event, over 110 employees were recognized for achieving years of service milestones. In addition, the District’s Paraprofessionals of the Year, District Employees of the Year and Campus Teachers of the Year were announced  for their above the line service to our students and the District. Twenty employees were celebrated for coming to work every day this school year and achieving perfect attendance.

The Employee Service awards was also a time to celebrate employees concluding their school district careers with Flour Bluff ISD. District employees in attendance gave a standing ovation to the nine retirees who have a combined 238 years of service to our District! Congratulations to our 2018 Retirees: Belinda Aguilar, Myriam Bell, Karen Carden, Dr. Jeanette Elliott, Barbara Espitia, Donna Gadberry, Carol Holloway, Dr. Alicia Needham and Margaret Slaughter.

The event concluded with the surprise announcement of this year’s District Elementary and Secondary Teachers of the Year. Earlier this spring each campus selected their campus Teacher of the Year. These individuals were asked to submit a portion of the Texas State Teacher of the Year essay as part of the judging process for the District’s Teacher of the Year program. The two individuals who won were selected by District Administrators and Campus Principals based off their responses to the essay. Evalynn Sherrod, Special Education Teacher at the Intermediate Campus, was named the District’s Elementary Teacher of the Year. Shannon Gillespy, Theatre Arts Teacher at the Junior High, was named the District’s Secondary Teacher of the Year. Each of these individuals move on to the next round, ESC-Region 2 selection process, in the Texas Teacher of the Year program. Texas Teacher of the Year is the highest honor the state of Texas can bestow on a teacher and is facilitated by the Texas Association of School Administrators (TASA).

Congratulations to all the FBISD employees who received awards and recognition during the 2018 Employee Service Awards!

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