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Flour Bluff ISD Board of Trustees approve 2019-2020 Official School Calendar

By April 2, 2019September 30th, 2022No Comments

During the March Regular Board Meeting of the Flour Bluff ISD Board of Trustees, the Board approved the 2019-2020 Official School Calendar. Next year’s calendar includes a full week off for Thanksgiving, 10 days off for Winter Break and a week for Spring Break. The first day of school will be Monday, August 26. The last day of school for students is Thursday, May 28, 2020. 

The FBISD Calendar Committee began working on calendar options in January. The Committee narrowed down two calendar options for parents, students, employees and community members to view and provide feedback. Calendar “A” ended the school year one day earlier and providing two additional staff in-service days for staff at the end of the school year. Calendar “B” provides a four-day weekend in January and ends the school year one day later. Both calendars have January 20, 2020, as a regular holiday for students and a weather make-up day for staff, if needed.

The results from the input surveys and input from the Calendar Committee were provided to the Superintendent who recommended to the Board of Trustees “Calendar B” as the preferred calendar option.

The Board of Trustees voted 6-0 and approved “Calendar B”.

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