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Gifted and Talented

Flour Bluff ISD’s Gifted and Talented program is committed to identifying and nurturing students with exceptional abilities by providing them with enriched and challenging educational experiences. Through advanced curriculum, creative problem-solving, and opportunities for growth, we aim to inspire these learners to reach their full potential and develop a lifelong passion for learning and innovation.

Goal and Purpose


The goal of the Flour Bluff Independent School District is to provide students who participate in the Gifted and Talented Program (S.A.I.L.—Students Accelerating through Innovative Learning) the opportunity to demonstrate skills in self-directed learning, thinking, research, and communication as evidenced through the presentation of innovative products and performances that reflect their individuality and creativity and are advanced in relation to the skills of students of similar age, experience or environment. The program will successively lead to the presentation of professional-level products and performances in high school as a part of the GT program services.



The purpose of the Flour Bluff Independent School District Gifted and Talented (S.A.I.L.) Program is to provide the exceptional learner with curriculum at an accelerated pace which is cognitively more challenging and demanding yet meets the needs of the gifted/talented student. Services are offered to students in the core disciplines of Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts. Students may qualify for services in one, two, three, or four of these disciplines, dependent upon their individual strengths. The intent of the program is to provide curriculum and instruction that has depth and quality related to the high intellectual interests of the students.

Screen Procedures

The Flour Bluff Independent School District’s Gifted and Talented Program is designed to serve identified students who need challenges and educational instruction beyond the regular classroom objectives.

Exit Policy

The campus GT/SAIL committee may exit a student from the SAIL Program upon the recommendation of the teacher and/or parent when the program fails to meet the student’s educational needs. Reasons for consideration of exit will include:

Evidence of working at a level of frustration, observable through performance and/or behavior.
Demonstration of clear inability or unwillingness to maintain the standards of program performance by maintaining a below satisfactory grade average for two six weeks or more.
Failure to participate in the program appropriate to the grade level and course offerings for the area in which the student is qualified.
Parent request for removal is automatic (an Exit form requesting removal is signed and dated by parent).

The Curriculum Content in the Manual says:

Curriculum content is based on a broad theme design for each grade level or course. Instructional units, developed in accordance with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for the appropriate level, support each broad theme.

Grade K: Cycles
Grade1: Explorations
Grade 2: Expansion
Grade 3: Change
Grade 4: Relationships
Grade 5: Justice
Grade 6: Responsibilities
Grade 7: Beginnings
Grade 8: Discovery
Grade 9-12: Knowledge, Judgement, and Integrity


A student or parent may request a temporary leave from the program of not less than one semester or more than one year, for serious, extenuating circumstances. The circumstances are reviewed by the SAIL/GT Campus Committee to determine if a furlough is appropriate for the student. The student’s eligibility to re-enter the SAIL (Gifted & Talented) Program shall be reviewed by the campus committee at the end of the furlough period.


Parents or students may appeal any final decision of the campus committee regarding selection for or removal from the SAIL Program. Written notice of desire to appeal should be given to the campus administrator. Appeal shall be made first to the campus committee within 10 days of notification. The campus committee then meets and reviews the appeal and make a decision. Any subsequent appeals shall be made in accordance with FNG (LOCAL).

Content Implementation

Grade K: Language Arts, Mathematics
Grade1-12: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies

The SAIL (Gifted & Talented) Program at grades 9-12 includes services through Advanced Placement (AP) courses, Pre-AP courses, Dual Credit, the Distinguished Achievement Independent Studies Class and the Before/After School Independent Studies Program. Parent/Community Product Fairs are also scheduled as part of campus activities at the Primary through High School levels for the purpose of presenting developmentally appropriate professional level products to an audience.

Timeline & Procedures

Referrals are accepted at all times for the SAIL (Gifted and Talented) Program. Students may be referred by anyone including parents, staff, community members, or through self-referral.

Applications are accepted at anytime. Students who are referred for grades 1-12 will be assessed in April/May or August.
Students who qualify will be placed in the program within two weeks. Students who have been enrolled in a gifted and talented program in another district immediately prior to enrollment at F.B.I.S.D. will be assessed for entry into the program upon enrollment. Kindergarten students will be assessed in January/February for eligibility. Those who are eligible , in Kindergarten, will start services by March 1 of each year.

G&T Contacts

Dr. Linda Barganski

Flour Bluff ISD
Phone: 361-694-9219

Erica Mora, Counselor

Flour Bluff Early Childhood Center
Phone: 694-9070

Cindy Drake, Counselor

Flour Bluff Primary
Phone: 361-694-9695

Rachel Vardeman, Counselor

Flour Bluff Elementary
Phone: 361-694-9595

Brian Scholz, Counselor

Flour Bluff Intermediate
Phone: 361-694-9495

Sandra DeLeon, Counselor

Flour Bluff Junior High
Phone: 361-694-9395

Debra Mendoza, Counselor

Flour Bluff High School
Phone: 361-694-9170

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