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School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)

School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is an advisory group, appointed by the FBISD Board of Trustees, which provides guidance, recommendations, and support in the eight areas of Coordinated School Health (CSH). The Council promotes the coordination of programs, services, and curricula that impacts student health and learning. A majority of the members shall be persons who are parents of students enrolled in the district and who are not employed by the district. Additional members may include teachers, school administrators, students, health care professionals, members of the business community and non-profit health organizations, law enforcement representatives, senior citizens and clergy.

The School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) provides the following roles:

Advocacy – The Council provides visibility for school health within the school system and community by utilizing the components of the coordinated school health program.

Program Planning – The Council ensures that professionals who directly influence student health meet regularly to learn what their colleagues are doing, shares teaching strategies, problem solves, participates in curriculum selection and adaptation; provides a forum for discussion of health issues; facilitates innovation in health education.

Health Education – The Council provides and efficient, effective structure for creating and implementing age-appropriate, sequential health education programs, and early intervention and prevention strategies that can easily be supported by local families and community stakeholders. Flour Bluff ISD supports abstinence education.

Coordinated School Health

Coordinated School Health (CSH) is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a strategy for improving students’ health and learning in our nation’s schools. The following links outline the rationale and goals for CSH, provide a model framework for planning and implementing CSH, and offer resources to help schools, districts, and stated improve their school health programs. There are eight components of the CSH: Family and community involvement; Nutrition services; Physical education; Health education; Counseling, psychological and social services; Health services; Health promotion for school staff; and Healthy school environment.

Council Membership

The members of the Council are committed to quality health education for the children of the Flour Bluff community.

Reporting Procedure – The Council acts in an advisory capacity. The Council will send its recommendations to the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction who reports to the Superintendent who reports to the Board.

Other criteria include:

  • Demonstrated interest in youth
  • Awareness of the community
  • Professional ability
  • Willingness to devote time
  • Representative of the population
  • Members must be persons who are parents of students enrolled in the district and who are not employed by the district

Membership by year:

Operating Guidelines


The Council shall meet a minimum of four times each year.

Voting Protocol

  • Each member shall have one vote. Voting will not be done by proxy.
  • Any vote requires a quorum to be present.
  • A quorum shall be 10 members with not less than 5 being parents.

Order of Business

  • Review of previous minutes
  • Reports from subcommittees
  • Report from facilitator
  • Unfinished business
  • New Business
  • Announcements
  • Adjourn

Latest SHAC Minutes Audio

Meeting Notices

The Council will meet a minimum of four times each year. Meetings are held at the Flour Bluff ISD Administration building at 4:30 PM.

Ways SHAC Supports Student Health


The Physical Fitness Assessment Initiative (PFAI) is a program designed to gather physical fitness data from Texas students for analysis to determine the relationship or correlation between student academic achievement, attendance, obesity, disciplinary problems, and school meal programs.

Food Service Program

The Council works to ensure that school food service programs offer healthy menus and that health-related activity are conducted; conducts focus groups with parents, teachers, administrators, and students; examines existing school services relative to need; assesses the physical and psychological environment of the school. Visit the Student Nutrition web page for more information.

Community Agencies

The Council works with district personnel in the areas of curriculum selection, school nurse procedures, development of food service programs, promotion of physical fitness and policy making. Below is more information on the areas the Health Advisory Council provides support:

In response to national and state concern about the impact of bullying on students, recent Texas legislation has addressed the need for districts to develop anti-bullying policies and interventions. The Texas Legislature directed the Department of State Health Services (DSHS), in collaboration with the Texas Education Agency, to further provide and annually update a list of best practice-based early mental health intervention and suicide prevention programs for implementation in general education settings.

Suicide in Texas is a serious public health concern—and one that might be addressed successfully through a coordinated and comprehensive approach aimed at prevention.

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