Early Release
2505 Waldron Road
Corpus Christi
United States
Assessment & Accountability is a comprehensive resource that tracks the performance of Texas schools. It provides insights into key metrics like student achievement, academic growth, and graduation rates, helping educators and policymakers make informed decisions to improve educational outcomes.
Assessment & Accountability is a comprehensive resource that provides insights into how Texas schools are performing. The webpage covers a range of topics, including school report cards, which offer a quick snapshot of school performance, and District & Campus Accountability Ratings, which provide an overall assessment of school districts and individual campuses. The page also explores the state’s Early Childhood/CCMR Goals, designed to ensure students are prepared for academic and career success. Texas Academic Performance Reports are a valuable tool that provides data on student demographics, achievement, and graduation rates. Also included is information on Federal Standards, which guide the evaluation of school performance, and the Highly Qualified Teacher Survey, which tracks the qualifications of educators in Texas. By providing access to this information, Assessment & Accountability empowers parents, educators, and policymakers to make informed decisions about education in Texas.
The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) program includes annual assessments for
For more information regarding the STAAR Program, please visit
Due to the STAAR Redesign, the spring 2023 student results will be released later than previous years. The links below provide timelines and further information regarding STAAR and when parents and families can expect to see STAAR/STAAR EOC results for spring 2023 in the Family Portal.
Each district that receives Title I, Part A funding is responsible for disseminating the Federal, State and campus-level report cards to 1) all campuses, 2) to parents of all enrolled students, and 3) to make the information widely available through public means such as posting on the Internet, distribution to the media, or distribution through public agencies.
Upon reviewing the federal report card for the ECC-Elementary, we observed an elevated incidence of ‘threats of physical attack without a weapon’ compared to the typical frequency. Following an investigation, it was discovered that a local discipline code pertaining to minor threats had been inadvertently included and reported on the federal report card. It is important to note that these minor codes are utilized to document and enhance student behaviors in the lower grades. Therefore, we want to emphasize that the number indicated on the report card does not accurately reflect significant threats of violence.
Al revisar la boleta de calificaciones federal para el ECC-Elementary, observamos una incidencia elevada de “amenazas de ataque físico sin arma” en comparación con la frecuencia típica. Después de una investigación, se descubrió que un código disciplinario local relacionado con amenazas menores se había incluido inadvertidamente y se había informado en la boleta de calificaciones federal. Es importante tener en cuenta que estos códigos menores se utilizan para documentar y mejorar el comportamiento de los estudiantes en los grados inferiores. Por lo tanto, queremos enfatizar que el número indicado en la boleta de calificaciones no refleja con precisión las amenazas significativas de violencia.
Percent Tested and Student Achievement by Proficiency Level – Provides the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) performance and participation results for each subject area and grade level tested. Participation reports that include reports of the participation of Children with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) by assessment type.
Student Achievement and State Academic Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) – Provides the AMO outcomes and data table of STAAR performance results for each subject area tested in the accountability subset. This section also includes participation rates on STAAR for reading/English and mathematics, use of alternative assessments, plus four-year and five-year graduation rates.
Priority and Focus Schools – Provides information on priority schools and focus schools. Priority schools are the lowest 5% of Title I-served campuses based on performance in reading and mathematics and graduation rates. Focus schools are 10% of Title I served campuses, not already identified as priority schools, which have the widest gaps between student group performances and safeguard targets.
Teacher Quality Data – Provides information on teacher quality: Percent of Teachers by Highest Degree Held – Professional qualifications of all public elementary and secondary teachers in the Texas. Teachers with Emergency/Provisional Credentials, Highly Qualified (HQ) Teachers High Poverty/Low Poverty Summary Reports – Percentage of all public elementary and secondary school teachers teaching with emergency or provisional credentials, and the percentage of classes in the state not taught by highly qualified teachers disaggregated by high-poverty compared to low-poverty schools.
Graduates Enrolled in Texas Institution of Higher Education (IHE) – Provides the percentage of students who enroll and begin instruction at an institution of higher education in Texas during the school year (fall or spring semester) following high school graduation.
Statewide National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Results – Provides most recent NAEP results for Texas showing reading and mathematics performance results and participation rates, disaggregated by student group.
School report cards, which are required by the Texas Legislature and prepared by the Texas Education Agency, are sent to the parent or guardian of every child enrolled in a Texas public school by local school districts. The report can be sent electronically, mailed, or home with the student.
School Report Cards are designed to inform parents and guardians about both a school’s characteristics and its achievements; the School Report Card combines parts of other recently released accountability reports to provide a variety of campus-level information concerning student and campus performance. The reports include the following:
District & Campus Accountability Ratings are a system used by the Texas Education Agency to assess the overall performance of school districts and individual campuses based on various factors, including student achievement and progress. These ratings provide valuable information for parents and communities to evaluate the quality of education in their area.
House Bill 3 (HB 3) amends Texas Education Code (TEC) to add Sec. 11.185 and 11.186 to include plans that target early childhood (EC) literacy and math proficiency and college, career, and military readiness (CCMR).
Under HB 3, school boards are required to adopt plans in early childhood literacy and math, as well as college, career, and military readiness. All plans are required to include:
The Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR) pull together a wide range of information on the performance of students in each school and district in Texas every year. Performance is shown dis-aggregated by student groups, including ethnicity and socioeconomic status. The reports also provide extensive information on school and district staff, programs, and student demographics.
The State of Texas requires school districts to report the results of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) highly qualified status of their teachers. Below is detailed information on the NCLB Highly Qualified Teacher Survey:
Associate Superintendent of Curriculum & Instruction
Director of CTE, Assessment & Accountability
Dyslexia Coordinator/Instructional Coach
Associate Superintendent for Federal & State Programs
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant
High School Dean of Instruction
Jr. High Dean of Instruction
Intermediate Curriculum Supervisor
Elementary Curriculum Supervisor
Primary Curriculum Supervisor
ECC Curriculum Supervisor